Monday, August 18, 2008

President Musharraf's Resignation

I am utterly perplexed by the behavior and opinions of Pakistanis. I have been watching the regional news channel and learning that during President Musharraf's rule, the Pakistani economy reached unprecedented growth. Foreign relations of Pakistan with her neighbor and lifelong rival India, reached a meliorated state. Internal affairs of rebels and fundamentalist were fractured to an extent to debilitate their operations. The democratic state promises freedom of speech; which was experienced by every one under the so called dictator's rule. The freedom of speech extended to the Media has been hailed by all classes of people in Pakistan. On top of it all, up until February this year, Pakistan's gas prices were subsidized by foreign aid funds (A direct impact to the bottom line of a person's spending).

On the flip side, the political scene of Pakistan became hugely unpredictable; Due to which the foreign investment and security suffered. I hear hat President Musharraf's plan for reform was to trickle down from high class to lower class citizens of Pakistan; Sadly, it did not happen so. The trickle down effect only reached as far as the middle class who swallowed the benefits. The lower class; a vast majority of Pakistan, continued to be crushed by rising prices of food, fuel and housing.

All said and done, I am proud to know a time where Pakistan was glorified in the International political arena; by leaders like President Musharaff and late Benezir Bhutto (reserved appreciation). Allbeit, short lived...