Sunday, May 06, 2007

An inconvenient truth - Climate Crisis

I just watched former Vice President, Al Gore's, documentary on Global Warming. Eye-opening! I am moved by it. I don't need time to take a second breath in order to believe any of the facts discussed in the documentary. Pollution is all around us! Globalization, Industrialization, Economies are to blame? Well, we won't have an earth to make money on if the way we are living - continues. If we study the history of earth and life upon it, we will find that everything around us has evolved. The consequences of Global Warming will be catastrophic, however, the earth will evolve. Life will still exist in a new manner different than ever before. But, we should not let it happen if WE CAN DO SOMETHING about it. That is one of the messages put across in the DVD.
I want to list all the reasons how Global Warming has and will effect us, however, I'd rather shed some light on how to become part of the solution rather then reiterating the problem. Please visit to learn about some simple things we can do to prevent further deterioration of our climate. Some things which I will do to help:
  1. Recycle
  2. Use energy saving appliances: I already switched 3/4 of the light bulbs in my house to energy saver bulbs. Next is to question FPL if they can provide Green Energy.
  3. In the future buy a hybrid car.
  4. Concur and voice my opinion when asked by government or when need to sign a petition or request support for a bill to pass in support of reducing Global Warming.
  5. Use paper instead of plastic when you go grocery shopping.

Thanks for reading,


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